Google vs Promotional Products


You have an amazing brand but how do you let everyone know about it? Your first points of call may be Google advertising, TV/Radio or even adverts in the paper or a magazine, but have you thought about using promotional products?


Google is very effective and can produce instant results, but depending on your industry sector, it can also be very expensive. So depending on the service or products you provide it may not be the best way to maximise your ROI.


TV and Radio advertising can get your name out to thousands and potentially millions of customers but are they really your target audience? There is no way of specifically targeting your ideal customer base with this form of advertising. They may give you huge exposure but if it’s not targeted then it’s success is going to be very limited.


Promotional products however have a very small cost per conversion to Google/TV and Radio. There are thousands and thousands of products that you can choose to promote your brand, which allows you to be super creative with your marketing and pick a product which represents you and also a product which your customers will remember and associate with your brand.


Whether your handing these out at a trade show, exhibition or a direct mail out pack, customers will always remember the company that gave them a freebie. It could be something simple as a pen printed with your company name, something a bit out there and random like a printed rubber duck or if you have a very corporate customer base, notebook and pen packs always go down well.


There are two ways you could go with a promotional product campaign. Choose something useful like a printed pen, custom notebook or calendar which your customer will keep and use everyday or think out the box and do something bonkers which your customers will remember.


If caught between the two routes and need some help in deciding then get in touch. Budget, Industry and timescales are just a few factors which can influence which promotional product route that you take.

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  • Lian Martin